Rising Above Where One Comes From

Rising Above Where One Comes From

Throughout history, many notable individuals have risen from poverty to attain monumental success in life. In life, people are not always a product of their circumstances.

It is possible for people to rise above the bad hand society has given them. People will stumble and fall on their way to retribution, but in time, should they have the perseverance, these people can become more than what the world intended for them.

With enough courage, many individuals have overcome obstacles life threw at them and still became successful. In the news, people often read stories about abused or neglected children being able to rebound from torture and become an integral part of their community.

To be able to put the psychological and physical abuse they endured behind them is nothing short of astounding. Even when they endure mental scars, they still manage to overcome the roadblocks placed on them through their abuse and endure.

In many third-world countries, domestic abuse is very common. In societies where minorities or certain genders are looked down upon as inferior, certain individuals still find the courage to combat their dismal circumstances.

By rebelling against what has been forced upon them, such citizens are able to revoke their toxic environments. Even in the worst of circumstances, many still have faith in a better tomorrow.

Their unbending will is part of what pushes them to never cower in the face of danger. The ability of individuals to not let their past define them supports the argument that it is possible to rise above bad circumstances.

In literature, the protagonist often hails from a troubled past. No matter the circumstances that they endured, protagonists are often portrayed as being able to revoke their past and craft a better future.

They do not let their circumstances define them, instead choosing to let their actions represent them. The ability to be able to forge one’s destiny is often viewed as a heroic virtue and for good reason.

By not succumbing to the demons of one’s past, a person is still able to live a remarkable life. People are who they choose to be. No matter the trauma a person endures, he or she can still choose to pursue a better life.

The human spirit is one of the most remarkable aspects of people. The ability to endure countless hardships, and emerge a good person is nothing short of amazing.

Through never letting go of one’s inner ideals, a person can endure even the most traumatizing of circumstances and emerge a better person. Life is full of choices, and when hardships are thrown toward people they can either choose to cower and be corrupted, or stand up and not fall victim to the toxicity around them.

Due to these remarkable circumstances in which individuals revoke the evil around them, I full-heartedly believe it is possible to rise above bad surroundings and emerge a better person than before.