Game of Thrones: The Best Fighters in the History of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos

Game of Thrones: The Best Fighters in the History of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos

In the world of Game of Thrones, there have been many figures revered as excellent combatants. Countless characters lay a claim to the title of best fighter, but some legends shine brighter than others. I have created this ranking based on the mythology presented in the Game of Thrones novels and accompanying spinoffs. This list is not based on the TV show in any capacity.


It was difficult to create this ranking, as certain characters’ fighting ability is based on legend and renown solely, as opposed to certified feats. In response to this, I decided to consider the legends about them to be utter truth. If you do not agree with the order I have created, feel free to sound off in the comments below! This ranking is of course only my opinion based on the information I have gathered. I would love to hear what you would change!

Winter is Coming

If you wish to learn more about the characters on this list, I fully recommend you click the link below to be led straight to the Game of Thrones wiki search bar. From there, you can search for whoever you would like. I have fallen in love with the mythology that has been created for this world. I hope by introducing you to some of these characters you can develop an appreciation for the lore as well!

  1. Arthur Dayne
  2. Aemon Dragonknight
  3. Daemon Blackfyre
  4. Barristan Selmy          
  5. Jaime Lannister          
  6. Maegor Targaryen 
  7. Ryam Redwyne
  8. Criston Cole
  9. Robert Baratheon
  10. Lo Bu
  11. Artos Stark
  12. Gwayne Corbray
  13. Gerald Hightower
  14. Aegon Targaryen
  15. Cregan Stark
  16. Artys Arryn
  17. Rhagor Targaryen
  18. Benedict Justman
  19. Baelor Targaryen
  20. The Demon of Derry
  21. The Greatheart
  22. Torgol Tollet 
  23. Alyn Connington
  24. Daemon Targaryen
  25. Duncan the Tall
  26. The Hound                 
  27. The Mountain             
  28. The Smiling Knight
  29. Lyonell Baratheon
  30. Ulrick Dayne
  31. Vorian Dayne
  32. Oberyn Martell           
  33. Maelys the Monstrous
  34. Leo Longthorn
  35. Garlan Tyrell               
  36. Khal Drogo 
  37. Robar Royce
  38. Brienne of Tarth         
  39. Syrio Forel
  40. Andrik the Unsmiling
  41. Mance Rayder
  42. Quorin Halfhand
  43. Lewyne Martell
  44. Roger Reyne
  45. Loras Tyrell                 
  46. Dagmer Cleftjaw
  47. Bittersteel
  48. Brandon Stark
  49. Greatjon Umber         
  50. Harwin Strong
  51. Lyke Crakehall
  52. Strong Belwas 
  53. Bronn                          
  54. Jon Snow                   
  55. Arya Stark
  56. Grey Worm
  57. Jorah Mormont
  58. Ned Stark
  59. Tormund Giantsbane 
  60. Thoros of Myr 
  61. Beric Dondarrion 
  62. Euron Greyjoy
  63. Daario Naharis
  64. Ygritte

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