After years of fascination with the marvel multiverse and its many diverse characters, I began to question what I am sure many other fans do: just who is most powerful. With so many people and beings to choose from, it becomes hard to truly rank them. After much research, I have created what is my definitive ranking.

There are of course characters I have left out, but that was bound to happen. I fully expect many of you do not agree with the order of this list. In fact, I hope that you do. I would love my readers to sound off in the comments on what they would change. Also, if you have any questions about anything or anyone I listed, feel free to ask. And to be clear, this ranking is based SOLELY on the history and lore of the marvel comics.

On one last note, instead of going through and manually listing off each character’s respective powers and history, I included the link below that leads you straight to the marvel database. If you want to learn more about any character on this list, all you need to do is click the link and search them up. Enjoy your reading!
- The One Above All
- The One Below All
- The Fulcrum
- Yahweh
- Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial
- Metatron
- Franklin Richards (End of Universe)
- Reed Richards (God)
- God Doom
- The Beyonder
- The Beyonders
- Doctor Doom (Beyonder)
- Eternity (Omniversal)
- Molecule Man
- The Omniverses
- The Heart of the Universe
- First Firmament
- The Multiverses
- The Living Tribunal
- Scathan the Approver
- Atlez
- Atleza
- Anthropomorpho
- The Infinites
- Franklin Richards
- Protege
- Mad Jim Jaspers
- Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet)
- Adam Warlock (Infinity Gauntlet)
- Infinity Gauntlet
- Nemesis
- Ultimate Nullifier
- Thanos (Final King)
- Logos
- Eternity
- Queen of Nevers
- Infinity
- Abraxas
- Death
- Oblivion
- Entropy
- Omnipotentis
- Galactus (Lifebringer)
- Doctor Strange (Full Powered)
- The Seven Friendless
- Wolverine (Phoenix Force)
- The Phoenix Force
- The Goblin Force
- Hercules (Chaos War)
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi
- One Above All (Celestial)
- Exitar the Executioner
- Kronos
- Eon
- Master Order
- Lord Chaos
- Master Hate
- Mistress Love
- Tenebrous
- Aegis
- Diableri
- Brio
- Antiphon
- Epoch
- Cyttorak
- Balthakk
- Farallah
- Ikonn
- Krakaan
- Raggadorr
- Valtorr
- Watoomb
- Vishanti
- Thor (Rune King)
- Shuma-Gorath
- Quoggoth
- Yot-Soter
- Kthl
- Zadkiel
- Nyerlathortech
- Knull
- Silver Surfer (The Fallen One)
- Galactus
- The Cosmos
- Celestials
- The Exterminators
- Scarlet Witch (House of M)
- The Horde
- Psi-Hawk
- Infinaut
- Infinaut
- Diableri
- Gravitation
- Hulk( Space Punisher)
- Chthon
- The Aspirants
- The Awareness
- Witchcraft
- The Shaper of Worlds
- Scrier
- Numinus
- Zom
- Nebulos
- Braak’nhüd
- Mhuruuks
- The In-Betweener
- Origin
- Kosmos
- Kubik
- The Many-Angled Ones
- The Watchers
- Nick Fury (The Unseen)
- The Builders
- Korvac
- Atum
- Magus
- Tyrant
- Asteroth
- Dormammu
- Umar
- Sinifer
- Rorkannu
- Impossible Man
- Adversary
- Merlyn
- Dragon of the Moon
- Star Child
- Trion Juggernaut
- Oshtur
- Anomaly
- Ego
- Father Time
- The Stranger
- The Runner
- The Collector
- The Grandmaster
- The Challenger
- The Gardener
- The Voyager
- The Judicator
- The Caregiver
- The Champion
- The Contemplator
- The Architect
- Galacta
- Ahkenaten
- Zadkiel
- Ruth
- Satan
- Satana
- Lucifer
- Olivier
- Afterlife
- Belasco
- S’ym
- N’Astirh
- Margali Svardos
- Chaos
- Sphinx
- Mephisto
- Blackheart
- Asmodeus
- Sattanish
- Baphomet
- Beelzeboul
- Sise-Neg
- Vortex
- Illa
- Bast
- Gaea
- Set
- Hoggoth
- Atum the Demogorge
- Demiurge
- Kronos
- Izanagi
- Balthazar
- Y’Garon
- Isuus
- Hyppus
- Oshtur
- Chton
- The Gibborim
- Nightmare
- Dream Queen
- Daydream
- The Mares
- D’Spayre
- Spite
- Kkallaku
- Lurking Unknown
- Strawman
- Onslaught
- Thor (Odin Force)
- Odin
- Zeus
- Bor
- Cul
- Hulk (Captain Universe)
- Surter
- Mangog
- Thanos
- Poseidon
- Hades
- The Asgardians
- The Olympians
- The Heliopians
- Kree Gods
- Badoon Gods
- Shi’ar Gods
- Skrullian Gods
- Zenn-La Gods
- The Annunaki
- The Yazatas
- The Vodu
- The Toatha de Danaans
- The Tenger
- The Amatsu-Kami
- The Diwatas
- The Akua
- The Aboriginal Gods
- The Ahau
- The Tetoah
- The Apu
- The Manidoog
- The Inua
- Silver Surfer
- Ayesha
- Annihilus
- Hela
- Doctor Strange
- Hulk (World Breaker)
- Morgana Le Fay
- Ymir
- Legion
- Matthew Malloy
- Hulk (Immortal)
- The Sentry (Void)
- Mister M
- Proteus
- Ghost Rider (Cosmic)
- Terminus
- Doctor Doom
- Reed Richards (The Maker)
- High Evolutionary
- Anti-Man
- The Maestro
- Morg
- The Ancient One
- Iron Man (Age of Ultron)
- The Sentry
- Thor
- Hulk
- Black Bolt
- Scarlet Witch
- Apocalypse
- Blue Marvel
- Anti-Man
- Adam Warlock
- Jean Grey
- Gabriel Shepherd
- X-23 (Captain Universe)
- Spider-Man (Captain Universe)
- Vulcan
- Captain Universe
- Frankie Raye
- Gladiator
- Hercules
- Beta Ray Bill
- Professor X
- Magneto
- Quasar
- Juggernaut
- Star Brand
- Nova
- Captain Marvel (Binary)
- Angela
- Ice Man
- Hope Summers
- Loki
- Quentin Quire
- Jamie Braddock
- Gilgamesh
- Nate Grey
- Ultron
- Hyperion
- Emma Frost
- Skaar
- Ghost Rider
- Spectrum
- Clea
- Brother Voodoo
- Moridun
- Athena
- Storm
- Captain Marvel
- Vision
- Captain America (Secret Empire)
- Terrax
- Firelord
- Wonder Man
- Magik
- Baron Mordo
- Stryfe
- Ronan the Accuser
- Super Skull
- Red Hulk
- Amadeus Cho
- Elixir
- Abomination
- Destroyer
- Cable
- Mister Sinister
- Absorbing Man
- Anti-Matter
- Singularity
- Invisible Woman
- Rogue
- Drax the Destroyer
- Thing
- Graviton
- Count Nefaria
- Sandman
- Groot
- Wiccan
- Polaris
- Human Torch
- Ares
- Namor
- She Hulk
- Colossus
- Doc Sampson
- Attuma
- Zzax
- Valkyrie
- Sasquatch
- Rhino
- Blob
- Tiger Shark
- Man-Thing
- Avalanche
- Banshee
- Hank Pym
- Wasp
- Scott Lang
- Goliath
- Quicksilver
- Carrion
- Enchantress
- Firestar
- Captain Britain
- Thunderstrike
- Heimdall
- Damion Hellstorm
- Skurge the Executioner
- Iron Man
- War Machine
- Mandarin
- Crimson Dynamo
- Hulkling
- Electro
- Cannonball
- Anti-Venom
- Carnage
- Balder the Brave
- Sif
- Hogun
- Fandral
- Volstagg
- Iron Fist
- Shang-Chi
- Sebastion Shaw
- Guardian
- Bishop
- Luke Cage
- Jessica Jones
- Strong Guy
- Bi-Beast
- Norman Osborn
- Venom
- Scorpion
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Woman
- Miles Morales
- Wolverine
- X-23
- Deadpool
- Daken
- Sabretooth
- Azazel
- Blade
- Manifold
- Cloak
- Blink
- Nightcrawler
- Lady Deathstrike
- Hobgoblin
- Modok
- Doctor Octopus
- Cyclops
- Speedball
- Havok
- Gambit
- Blizzard
- Taskmaster
- Gamora
- Beast
- Lizard
- Deathlok
- Black Panther
- Captain America
- Bucky Barnes
- Squirrel Girl
- Kraven the Hunter
- Man-Ape
- Mr Fantastic
- Shatterstar
- Star-Lord
- US Agent
- Nuke
- Angel
- Klaw
- Elektra
- Kingpin
- Punisher
- Daredevil
- Bullseye
- Stick
- Hawkeye
- Moon Knight
- Black Widow
- Yelena Belova
- Baron Zemo
- Black Cat
- Pixie
- Mockingbird
- Mystique
- Domino
- Mantis
- Falcon
- Batroc the Leaper
- Crossbones
- Forge
- Red Skull
- Sharon Carter
- White Tiger
- Colleen Wing
- The Leader
- Rocket Racoon
- Howard the Duck
- Mysterio
- Nick Fury
- 3D Man
- Mr. Immortal
- Beak
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